St. Pius X Primary School

St Pius X School, Melville

Absence, Truancy and Punctuality

 At St Pius School we expect all the children to be at school, on time, every morning unless there is a very good reason for absence.

 We have electronic roll keeping so it is important that you contact the school before 8:45 explaining your child's absence or if they are running late. 843 6554 

Alternatively, you can record your child's absence using Skool Loop.  This can be downloaded using google playstore or app store. 

If your child is running late they must go to the office and put their absence on the vistab. This helps when checking absences.  

Your child's safety is important so unexplained absences will be checked. Which is why we are always so grateful when you let us know about absences.

If your child is going to be absent longer than 3 days (e.g on  holiday) we would appreciate having this in writing beforehand. email:

If your child  is absent from school through illness  for more than three days we require a medical certificate

Thank you for your co-operation